Remember My Word. Yes, I Will
My life completely changed from a high point to the ground and all our saving money was gone in a short time. We gained debts instead. I was very sorrowful and stressed out. The more I was serious, the stronger and the more wine I drank.
Could you please show us the way to survive and have happiness in society?
In Thai society these days, it has changed a lot because everyone has to work for survival until you can hardly find a smile on anybody’s face. Could you please show us the way to survive and have happiness in society Sir?
How should I answer the question,"why we were born", so that person who is unfamiliar with Buddhist’s principles can understand it easily?
Someone who is unfamiliar with Buddhist’s principles asked me the reason for why we were born. How should I answer this question so that he can understand it easily?
What are the characteristics of a refined mind?
The refined mind is clear, bright, and free from defilements. To refine one’s mind is not easy because one has to work against the temptations thrown up by the mental defilements.
Plastic bottles reborn as blankets in Buddhist recycling centre
Being Responsible for Others in Society
As human beings, we have to live and work with others in society. We negatively affect society when we consider only what we want, what we like, and what we can accomplish.
การฟื้นฟูสู่ความยั่งยืน จากรายการทันโลกทันธรรม
การฟื้นฟุสู่ความยั่งยืน มหาอุทกภัยปี 2554 นี้ นับว่าร้ายแรงที่สุดในประวัติศาสตร์ชาติไทย เพราะว่ามีน้ำท่วมใหญ่ตามลุ่มแม่น้ำเจ้าพระยา ทำให้มีจังหวัดที่ถูกน้ำท่วมเกือบ 30 จังหวัด พื้นที่การเกษตรเสียหายไปถึง 11 ล้านไร่ และมีผู้ได้รับความเดือดร้อนถึง 3 ล้านคน
Dhammakaya temple
The Dhammakaya tradition in our era started in 1916 when the Great Abbot of Wat Paknam (Phra Monkolthepmuni) strove with a determination to
The Roads That Lead to Ruin
Many young recent graduates are usually diligent and focused when they start their first jobs. Some days they even work overtime with the hope of getting a big salary at the end of the month